Last week Rocco was invited to be a demo-dog for Dr. Goldberg’s seminar on Chiropractic Veterinary Medicine held at the Vancouver Animal Wellness Hospital.
Rocco was a very gracious participant, patiently waiting through the “boring” stuff for his turn in the spot-light.

So what is chiropractic medicine and why would your pet benefit from it?
Chiropractic medicine diagnoses problems and restores, through adjustments and manipulations, the normal mobility to joints of the body. It’s goal is to optimize health based on the body’s innate recuperative power.
A chiropractic adjustment addresses a wide array of health problems in pets, such as, joint issues caused by trauma, competition , work or even genetic diseases. It can help with ear problems, constipation, urinary incontinence and even lick granulomas (which sometimes can be a symptom of trapped tissue sending shooting pain down one of the paws).
Below are the most common signs that your pet might benefit from a visit to a chiropractor:
- Refusing to jump
- Limping or lameness
- obvious signs of pain
- balance issues
- change in head and tail carriage (especially head held low)
- “sinking down” when you pet your dog’s back
- play mishaps (getting t-boned in a dog park is a common cause of soft tissue and joint injuries)
- arthritis
- Digestive problems
- Urinary leaking
- Anal gland problems
- Constipation
- Ear infections
- As part of a maintenance regime for sporting and working dogs.

Previous to the seminar, Rocco had undergone three adjustments. I was very curious to see how our fist visit would go, a bit worried Rocco might not want to stand still or would move at the worst possible moment. But it turns out he actually likes his adjustments (for the most part – he’s not crazy about having his neck adjusted, but I can’t blame him, I hate that part too!) He stands very patiently and allows Dr. Goldberg to asses his range of motion and do the necessary manipulations.
The areas of concern for him were his neck, shoulders and pelvis; typical of an active dog who, during his four years of romping around, has accumulated some strains and micro-injuries. After each session I can see a definitive improvement in his energy, range of motion and overall mobility.
Oh Rocco, you are so much braver than me! But. Woo look like woo feel better! Paw pats and play bows, Savannah
That is so cool, we go for our neck and shoulders, our bad backs, I won’t go on..LOL Never heard of one in the UK for animals xx00xx
Saint Mollie and Alfie
Like Mollie said, I don’t know that we have doggy chiropractors in the Uk, pretty cool though!