Oh no, a bee sting! I’m glad he is doing well. If a bee can do this to Rocco, I’m afraid what one could do to my little guys. Teddy had a spider bite that created a huge welt.
I try to be careful, but August and early September are pretty bad for bees and wasps. My cat keeps hunting spiders and sometimes gets bitten…did you use any ointment or meds on the welt?
Rocco, you are a gorgeous doggy. Are you recovering from injury or illness, or just resting up for the next big thing?
From a bee sting! It’s been a few days since and he’s doing well.
Aw, what a beautiful husky Rocco is! ๐ I’m glad that he’s feeling better now! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Thanks, Goose!
Woof! Woof! Sending you Golden Healing Thoughts for faster recovery. Happy WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Thank you, Sugar, you are very sweet:-)
A bee sting? Oh my, I hope everything is OK!
Hi Emily, yes, he is feeling much better! Thank you for asking ๐
Aw! Such a beautiful dog.
Thank you, Rachael ๐
So sweet! Thanks for visiting us on this hop!
You are very welcome, thank you as well!
Oh no, a bee sting! I’m glad he is doing well. If a bee can do this to Rocco, I’m afraid what one could do to my little guys. Teddy had a spider bite that created a huge welt.
I try to be careful, but August and early September are pretty bad for bees and wasps. My cat keeps hunting spiders and sometimes gets bitten…did you use any ointment or meds on the welt?
Aww so cute! Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Thank you for stopping by, Kia!
I am whispering so I don’t wake the cutie pie up – driving by from the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday blog hop!
Welcome, Carol, and thank you for stopping by!
A bee stung you! oh no! I hope you feel better now. Mom yells “leave it” when I try to sniff bees.
Hi Pepper, the silly boy was faster than me this time!