It’s mid-August and the wasp season is upon us. It’s a very stressful time for us, since 3 years ago we almost lost Rocco to a bee sting. It was a bee rather than a wasp – I found the stinger lodged in his tongue – nevertheless, we are always on high alert this time of the year, trying to make sure Rocco doesn’t suffer another anaphylactic shock.
Unfortunately, couple of days ago, Rocco was stung by a wasp. It was in a park across town and after hours, so we weren’t able to rely on our vet. I was relieved to see that his lip had begun to swell, funny thing to say, but at least I knew that he didn’t get stung in the tongue. I gave him one Benadryl and we drove to the animal emergency clinic where we sat in the parking lot waiting to see if the Benadryl will be enough or if we will need extra help.

Ever since his accident we always carry an epi-pen and Benadryl. It gets a bit tricky, because Benadryl can potentially trigger seizures in epileptic dogs, so we also use a homeopathic remedy to cut back on Benadryl. Luckily, this time it ended in a swollen lip that went down very quickly with just one Benadryl.
Three years ago we learned a very important lesson: always think of the worst case scenario and always be prepared – it could save your dog’s life! And since it’s wasp season, look into a first aid kit that may help you help your pet should they have an allergic reaction. Consult with your vet and see what would be the best anti-histamine for your pet and carry it with you “just in case”.
Glad you’re ok! Woooowoooooo, Ku
Thank you, Ku. We are glad it all ended well!
I am glad Rocco is ok! This was a great post! I got stung by a wasp in my mailbox a few weeks ago and had to take some Benadryl myself. It was so painful! I feel for Rocco! I am glad it wasn’t serious though. I always have Benadryl at my house, but I need to keep some in my purse/car just in case!
Have a great weekend!
I was stung a couple of times too. I only had a bit of a swelling, but like you said, it is so painful! I’m glad you found the information helpful 🙂
Poor Rocco… glad he’s OK and that you were prepared. We usually get wasps the most in early summer I guess. We have a bee hive on our property that’s been there for years. Which is good for my dad’s business I guess since he sells plants. They’ve never been an issue but one stung my mom for no reason this summer. My dad and his worker also said they were stinging them. Worried about them becoming hybridized into African “killer” bees.
That is scary! I have a suspicion that the bee that put Rocco into a shock was a hybrid…That’s interesting that your season is early summer. We start seeing them late June, August and early September are the worst!
Oh that is awful and it looks sore Rocco, Mollie is always chasing bee’s and wasps in the garden, she is obsessed and we have a hard time stopping her. Glad you are OK xxx00xxx
Mollie and Alfie
It really makes me wonder why would they do it, even after they get stung…..It does hurt after all!
Glad you’re ok. My friend freddie got stung on the nose the other day, luckily his daddy was able to get it out and he was ok
Ouch! On the nose….that must have been VERY painful! Glad he’s OK, too!
this is most important advice! I never thought of this before. Hoping Rocco is ok!
Thank you, Caren. It’s usually something you learn the hard way, I suppose. Not something you would normally think of….
Ouch! Glad he’s ok!
Thank you! We’re happy it ended well, too….it was definitely scary at the time!
I didn’t know that about Benedryl. Thanks for sharing. We have hornets nests around our property and one HUGE bee hive – we discovered it a month ago and we’re waiting until the winter to deal with it. I’ll be sharing pictures on my blog coming up soon.
Glad he’s doing okay 🙂 Great idea to go straight to the vet and wait.
I look forward to seeing the photos! Diphenhydramine (generic name of the ingredient in Benadryl) can potentially cause seizures in animals and people suffering from epilepsy, as can many, MANY other drugs, chemicals or even foods 🙁 It’s a big challenge for us. Simple things like de-warming, flea control become a big issue, not to mention sedation or anesthesia…things get very tricky.
So pleased he is ok.
Thank you, BAsil!
I am glad Rocco is well. Good thing you are well prepared. I didnt know wasp’s sting could be so harmful for dogs..
have a lovely week.